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Mr. Ryan Carver - A Burke County Hometown Son

Updated: May 23

Ryan Carver

I have had the pleasure of writing many inspirational, eye-opening, transformative and profound stories over the last 50+ years and it is my pleasure to share another one from our Burke County family.

Mr. Ryan Carver - A Burke County Hometown Son. Here's his story......

Ryan Carver, a Certified Peer Support Specialist, Recovery Coach and Community Health Worker. I was intrigued as to what that giant title actually meant but, in order to fully understand and appreciate it, we have to go back to the beginning, yes?

Ryan Carver's story started in Peoria, Illinois where he was born to a mother (from what he was told) who struggled with addiction. "I was adopted when I was 6 months old and lived in Icard, N.C. before moving to Burke County at the age of 4" said Ryan. "My adoptive dad also struggled with addiction, in the form of alcohol. I went everywhere he went and saw a lot. However, I don't blame my parents or anyone else for choices I made later in life." 

"I began experimenting with drugs at the age of 13. I don't know if I was born an addict or if once I used drugs for the first time, an addict was born... either way, I liked how it made me feel inside and outside. I was finally accepted (in my mind). Unfortunately, I struggled with self acceptance because something had to be wrong with me if my own biological mother didn't stick around to raise me." 


"Once I began using, all those terrible feelings disappeared. I "caught" my first charge at 15 for stealing my mom's credit card. I started high school and started experimenting with even more substances which led to skipping school, failing classes and eventually dropping out of school altogether. Shortly after that, I began hanging out with people older than me and stealing my mother's prescription medication. At the age of 18, I "caught" my first two felony charges for possession with the intent to sell and deliver marijuana. I used Oxycontin for the first time at the age of 19 when I allowed a friend to use a needle and I was hooked. I became addicted and dependent on drugs and when I couldn't get them, I would be in excruciating pain and extremely sick (similar to the flu x50). My addiction took full control over my mind, body and soul. I lived to use and used to live."

"In 2003, my best friend died in a car accident leaving my house, a month later my dad died from cancer, thirty days later I was arrested and two weeks after that my mother died. It was overwhelming and devastating. I was not allowed to leave jail to attend her funeral because I was considered a flight risk. I eventually went to prison for about 6-7 months and while there, I inherited $26,000 which I promptly wasted on multiple drugs in a motel room trying to kill myself. I was literally begging God to just let me die because I didn't want to be in pain anymore and I felt it was my only way out."

"I didn't die though... I should have, considering the amount of drugs I used. I couldn't understand it. I mixed and injected so many things and I was still alive."

"Why?" questioned Ryan.

"I didn't understand that God had a bigger plan for my life than I did. I began to think back.... throughout my addiction, I realized I went to jail at least 50 times for robbing and stealing to support my addiction. I went to prison about 7 times and I was admitted to multiple Detox and Psych hospitals in the neighborhood of about 60 times. Thank God, the last time I went to Detox (2015), I was literally sick and tired of being sick and tired. I was so relieved when they took me right in with no hesitation, even though I had been there countless times. I certainly would be dead if they had turned me away."

As usual, I wanted to know what Ryan did after that....this is what he said.

"I got clean in 2015 and became a Certified Peer Support Specialist in 2016." Ryan said proudly. " A Peer Support Specialist is a person in recovery from Mental health and Substance Use issues. I realized all along, God had a purpose for my life and it was to help folks who are just like me. I began attending 12 step meetings and they played a huge role in me achieving and maintaining recovery. I do a lot of speaking engagements in prisons and recovery courts. Also, I am employed by Caldwell County RESTART. We are a Post Overdose Response Team and a division of EMS. We're made up of 2 Community Paramedics, 3 Peer Support Specialists and 1 Social Worker. We respond to overdose calls M-F from 8-5 and try to meet people where they're at to show love and compassion. We also assist folks with getting into detox, long-term treatment, including medication assisted treatment. In addition, we can link them to the resources to assist them with the recovery process. We also take walk-ins and referrals. Lastly, we go to Caldwell County Jail to assist incarcerated individuals with getting the treatment they need."

Caldwell County RESTART Team

I asked Ryan if he had experienced any challenges and he said "Yes, back during COVID, I had a setback when the isolation began. Unfortunately, that's a terrible thing for folks like me. The opposite of addiction is connection and that was taken away. I made some mistakes and bad choices during that time and relapsed after 6 and a half years clean. I ended up using for a week before going back to Detox and starting over. Of course, I didn't forget anything I had learned but, addiction is a disease that isn't curable and just like any other disease, it has to be treated for the rest of my life. Recovery is a journey, not a destination. This past February 1st, I celebrated 2 years again. The relapse was a jarring experience which reinforced that this is serious and I'll never be cured."

"I am very grateful to all the folks in my 12 step meetings who continue to play a part in my recovery and I wouldn't be here without them. I have new and exciting priorities now and those are taking care of my beautiful daughter, putting my recovery first and continuing to grow my relationship with GOD. I am most proud of surviving and not becoming another statistic. I go to meeting and talk to others in recovery because I can't do this on my own. I also pray and communicate with God because without him, none of this would be possible. In the future, I'm considering classes to become a EMT and anything else that will help me serve the community. I'm a open book, most people know my story but, I wanted to share it with you so that if there is someone out there who is struggling with addiction, please remember there are people out here that love and care about you who are willing to help you get to where you want to be. Don't ever hesitate to reach out for help."

I asked Ryan if there was anything else he wanted the people of Burke to know and this is what he said.

"I love Burke County and it will always be home to me. I try to give back a lot in the community because it's where I caused the most damage. I have now lived in Caldwell County for about 5 years but, I am always doing things in Burke and I'm still very involved with the recovery community there."

Ryan Carver

Lastly, I asked him the most important question of 2024.... What are your plans for the summer?

"Taking some time off work to spend time with my beautiful daughter.... Hopefully, that includes a lot of swimming!!!

On behalf of the Burke County Community and Vanguard Voices Family, congratulations on 2 years and we thank you for telling us your story and truth Ryan!

Written by Phoenix

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